Occupational safety - Specific training of workers in the health sector (general concepts)

Typology: Online Course
Duration: 8 hours



The aim of the course, in compliance with the State-Regions Agreement in force since January 26, 2012 and subsequent amendments, is to provide knowledge and methods deemed essential for knowing the specific risks of the worker employed in health care companies. Know the use of personal protective equipment and the regulatory framework governing health and safety at work. The training also aims to develop analytical (risk identification), behavioral (risk perception) skills, provide general knowledge on the concepts of damage, risk, prevention, concepts and legislative insights including the supervisory bodies on safety and health at work.


The target of the course is made up of workers who work in the health sector and who have the regulatory obligation to provide training / information on the subject of safety, as established by the State-Regions agreement of 21 December 2011, published in the Official Gazette no. 8 of 11 January 2012.


Module 1 - Occupational safety: prevention and protection

News and general features

- Presentation
- The purposes of Legislative Decree 81/2008
- The repealed legal texts and the entry into force of the TU
- Architecture of Legislative Decree 81/2008
- Some of the main changes
- The main concepts
- In a small financial consulting firm ...
- The field of application
- The field of application: types of workers protected
- The field of application: teleworking
- Summary of the lesson

Risk assessment

- Presentation
- The new office
- The risk assessment process
- Risks for health and risks for safety
- Risk assessment
- The significance of the risk assessment
- An example of a table for qualitative risk assessment
- The content of the risk assessment document
- Challenge yourself!
- The management of risk assessment
- The new "safe" office
- Summary of the lesson

General protection measures, training and health surveillance

- Presentation
- Prevention
- The prevention and protection measures
- Application of prevention and protection measures
- Information and training
- The information
- Proper training: timing and content
- Adequate training: modalities
- Challenge yourself!
- Health surveillance: objectives and types of medical examination
- Health surveillance: types of medical examination
- Challenge yourself!
- The health surveillance activity
- Provisions for non-eligibility
- Summary of the lesson

The contract and the technical-administrative documentation

- Presentation
- The risks of interference
- Timetable problems ...
- The contractual obligations
- Procurement contracts and safety
- Interference risk assessment
- Summary of the lesson

Emergency management

- Presentation
- Danger of fire
- The analysis of emergencies
- General provisions
- Challenge yourself!
- First aid
- The classification of companies
- Fire prevention
- Fire prevention: further specifications
- A narrow escape
- Summary of the lesson


Module 2 - The actors involved and their tasks

The institutional system

- Presentation
- Public bodies with duties in the field of health and safety at work
- Activities carried out by INAIL
- Former ISPESL
- Former IPSEMA
- Commission for rulings
- Supervisory activities
- Challenge yourself!
- Summary of the lesson

Security actors: obliged subjects

- Presentation
- The warranty figures
- The definition of the employer
- The obligations of the employer cannot be delegated
- The delegable obligations of the employer
- The obligations of the employer and the manager
- The definition and obligations of the manager
- The definition and obligations of the person in charge
- The obligations of the person in charge
- The delegation of functions
- Challenge yourself!
- The worker
- The figure of the worker
- The obligations of the worker
- Designers, manufacturers and suppliers, installers
- Summary of the lesson

Security actors: other subjects

- Presentation
- The Prevention and Protection Service (SPP)
- The tasks of the SPP
- The professional requirements of the Managers and Employees of the SPP
- The courses for RSPP and ASPP
- The competent doctor
- The obligations of the competent doctor
- The Workers' Safety Representative
- The election of the Workers' Safety Representative
- The Workers' Representative for Territorial Security
- Challenge yourself!
- The attributions of the workers' representatives
- The attributions and rights of the Workers' Representative
- The periodic meeting
- The joint bodies
- Summary of the lesson

Sanctions and provisions in criminal and civil matters

- Presentation
- Contravention offenses
- The institution of the statute of limitations
- What happens after a prescription?
- The weight of the sanctions
- Some penalties for the employer
- Some sanctions against the employer and the manager
- Some penalties for the person in charge
- Some penalties for the worker
- Offenses punished with the penalty of arrest only
- Contraventions punished with the penalty of arrest only: an example
- Corporate administrative responsibility
- Summary of the lesson


Module 3 - Health and safety in healthcare

The professional figures involved

- Application of the Consolidated Law in the health sector
- Case part 1
- Common professional figures
- Workers in training
- Volunteers and other figures
- Learning stop
- Case part 2

The risk of accidents

- Case part 1
- The security risks
- The health risks
- Transversal or organizational risks
- The types of risk
- Accident at work
- Learning stop
- General definitions
- The pathologies reported in the health sector
- Near misses: Near misses
- Reports to the SPP
- Case part 2

Accidents and occupational diseases in the health sector

- Case part 1
- Accident analysis
- Analysis of occupational diseases
- Bronchial asthma
- The risk of hearing loss
- Learning stop
- Skin diseases
- Exposure to ionizing radiation
- Activation of the Supervisory Bodies
- Case part 2

Module 4 - Specific risk factors

Sources of danger and health risks

- Case part 1
- Typical risk factors in healthcare
- Generic risks
- Biological risks
- The chemical risks
- Physical risks
- Mechanical risks
- Thermal risks
- Learning stop
- Other risks
- Case part 2

Information, education and training

- Case part 1
- Definitions
- The stages of formation
- When is training needed?
- Learning stop
- Case part 2

Focus on some risk factors

- Case part 1
- Electricity and security
- Electric current injury
- Effects of electric current on the human body
- Macroshock
- General rules of conduct
- Microshock
- Types of electrical sockets
- Use and classification of premises for sanitary activities
- Classification sheet for medical premises
- Hemodynamic interventional area
- Learning stop
- Correct use of medicinal gases
- Types of flow meters
- Medical gas cylinders
- Warnings for the use of compressed gas cylinders
- Case part 2

The risk related to the use of portable ladders and stools

- Case part 1
- Safe use of portable ladders and stools
- Accidents resulting from portable ladders
- Risk reduction measures
- Correct use of stairs
- Learning stop
- The rules for working safely
- Case part 2

Health surveillance

- Case part 1
- The risk profile related to the job
- The protocol of health surveillance
- The judgment of suitability for the specific job
- Risk assessment for working mothers or pregnant women
- Learning stop
- The declaration of the state of pregnancy
- Case part 2

Module 5 - Protective Devices in the healthcare sector

Selection and management of Personal Protective Equipment

- Case part 1
- What are PPE?
- IPR as a means of protection
- Characteristics and classification of PPE
- Responsibilities and obligations of the employer
- The obligations of workers
- The protective devices for collective use
- Learning stop
- The choice of PPE
- Criticalities in the use of PPE
- Case part 2

PPE in the hospital setting

- Case part 1
- What PPE are used in hospitals?
- PPE for biological risk protection
- PPE for physical risk protection
- PPE for chemical risk protection
- Learning stop
- Responsibilities and obligations of the employer
- Case part 2


Module 6 - Fire Risk and Emergency Plans

Fire risk in healthcare facilities

- Case part 1
- The high risk in hospitals
- The main causes of fire
- The places most at risk
- How does a fire start?
- Risk reduction
- Learning stop
- The frequency during the night
- Case
- Triangle of fire in the operating room
- Prevent fires in the operating room

The rules of behavior in case of fire

- Case part 1
- Principles of behavior in case of fire
- General rules
- Operational provisions: how to raise the alarm
- Learning stop
- Case part 2

The Emergency Plan

- Case part 1
- What is an emergency?
- The planning of intervention actions
- The complexity of an Emergency Plan
- The objectives of the Emergency Plan and the tasks of the workers
- Learning stop
- The characteristics of the EP
- Case part 2

Module 7 - Risks from shift work

General part: the reference legislation, statistical data

  • Premise
  • Legislative Decree n. 66 of 08.04.2003
    • Definition of shift work
    • Daily rest
    • The breaks
    • Weekly rests
    • Holidays
    • Definition of night work
    • Restrictions on night work
    • Duration of night work
  • Statistical data on night work
  • Accident statistics
  • Shift classification
    • Shifts at normal or fixed hours
    • Daytime shifts
    • Round-the-clock or 24-hour shifts

Short and medium term effects of shift work

  • Effects of shift work on workers
  • Health and safety risk
  • Interference on the biological structure - Jet Lag
  • Circadian rhythm
  • Circadian rhythm and jet Lag
  • Sleep disorders and pathologies
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fatigue, mistakes and injuries
  • Social interference
  • Effects on the psycho-affective sphere
  • Cardiovascular pathologies
  • Effects on women's health
  • Tumors
  • Metabolic dysfunctions

Personal prevention and protection measures

  • Compensatory interventions (coping strategy) by workers
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Balanced and healthy diet
  • Use of voluptuous substances
  • Maintain good physical condition
  • Organize family life
  • Maintain social relationships

 Sleep stroke and ongoing accidents

  • Sleep stroke and ongoing accidents
  • Travel and sleep injuries

Sleep: analysis and characteristic elements

  • The vigil
  • Sleep and rest
  • Non REM phase
  • REM phase
  • Polysomnography
  • REM sleep stages
  • Sleep rhythm
  • Psychological sleep function
  • Awareness of the need
  • Catering and protection
  • The need for sleep / rest
  • The numbness
  • Circadian rhythms
  • Sleep needs in different age groups
  • Factors that affect sleep and rest
  • Signs and symptoms of sleep disturbances
  • Insomnia
  • Self evaluation


Produced by: Piazza Copernico

Content edited by:

IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital

COURSE CODE: 0002_21