One of the lessons that the pandemic has bequeathed us is the need to be able to imagine new forms of communication and storytelling.
The element that had collapsed during that forgettable period was just there communication, generating a cacophony of continuously denied information and an inability to provide timely and correct information to the social body.


During the opening seminar of the EFPA Italy Meeting (European Financial Planning Association), which took place in Florence on 6 and 7 October last year, the Rector of the IULM University Gianni Canova, who is also Full Professor of Cinema History and Filmology, presented these interesting data.

It has been calculated that in the Middle Ages the average man came into contact with approx 40 images”artificial" throughout his life. By artificial image we mean all the visual artefacts designed and created to communicate something, such as the painting on the vault of the church, the statues of the cathedral, the first illustrations in printed books".

“Today the same average man comes into contact with more or less 600.000 “artificial” images" per day. What can we do with all these images and information?”

In practice, in a relatively short span of time for the human dimension, a few centuries, our perceptive apparatus has undergone a mutation of colossal proportions, the effects of which are still to be understood.

Today's difficulties relating to communication are therefore essentially due to the fact that not only the amount of information, but also the speed with which they arrive at our perceptive terminal and the different ones mode with which we manage them.


It goes without saying that digital can be of great help in creating a new style of storytelling because, if managed correctly, it allows for truly effective communication.

But to be effective there must be elements that should not be underestimated. For example, always remember that there are gods messages that come not just from what I'm saying, but from how I'm saying it, the rhythm I'm using, the ability to modulate my voice, proxemics and how I move my hands.

In the relationship established in a digital world, just like in the real world, all these elements must be taken into account in order not to lose authenticity and credibility.