APPRENTICESHIP - Basic and transversal skills XNUMXst year


Duration: 40 hours
N ° Participants: no. minimum students: 10 / n. maximum students: 20

Determine G08544

The module is mandatory for the first year and is divided into four content areas that can be explored in subsequent training activities.


The module is divided into the following contents:

  • A) Occupational safety: general regulatory and organizational aspects relating to occupational safety, main risk factors, prevention and protection measures.
  • B) Regulation of the employment relationship: legislative regulation of the apprenticeship contract, workers' rights and duties, elements that make up the salary and the cost of labour.
  • C) Communication and relational skills: evaluate personal skills and resources in relation to work and professional role, communicate effectively in the work context, analyze and resolve problematic situations, define one's place within an organizational structure;
  • D) Organization and economy: principles and methods of organization of work in the company: roles and functions, main economic and commercial elements of the company: conditions and factors of profitability and reference context of a company, principles of quality and customer satisfaction customer.


Classroom, FAD, tests, simulations.



Certificate of attendance