DIGITAL SKILLS - Advanced course (17 ½ hours)


Typology: Online Course
Duration: 17 ½ hours overall
Languages: Italian 



A training course made up of 5 online courses, to acquire advanced digital skills, which make the user completely autonomous in solving the most frequent problems that arise when using digital technologies and in using digital technologies to solve problems.
Course particularly suitable for delivery within Public Administrations.


ADVANCED COURSE 1 - Data, information and IT documents

M1 Managing data, information and digital content
Data analysis and tools to support decision-making processes
Public sources as a data and information collection tool for in-depth study, analysis and comparison, and decision support

M2 Produce, evaluate and manage IT documents
Classify, collate and use metadata in relation to computerized documents and files
Main characteristics and implications of the correct archival management and conservation of electronic documents
Obligation to allow access to electronic documents by interested parties

M3 Know Open Data
Classify, collate and use metadata in relation to computerized documents and files
Main characteristics and implications of the correct archival management and conservation of electronic documents
Obligation to allow access to electronic documents by interested parties
Linked Open Data

ADVANCED COURSE 2 - Communication and sharing

M1 Communicate and share within the administration

The use and applications of advanced communication tools
The choice of communication tools related to the characteristics of the message and content in terms of nature, complexity and degree of formality
Advantages and risks of using advanced tools for sharing information and documents online

M2 Communicate and share with citizens, businesses and other PAs
Digital tools for sending notifications to citizens and businesses, and the legal effectiveness of communications
The advanced tools to communicate with other administrations and manage the relationship with users
The most appropriate digital communication and participation tools for interacting with citizens and businesses related to the nature, complexity and degree of formality of the content
The appropriate communication style and linguistic register in relation to the recipient and the tool used


M1 Protect devices
The countermeasures to be adopted to prevent and defend against cyber attacks – part 1
The countermeasures to be adopted to prevent and defend against cyber attacks – part 2
Recognize when the device is subject to cyber attacks

M2 Protect personal data and privacy
Protect personal data in digital environments
The difference between the different types of personal data
The general principles of the European Regulation on the protection of personal data

ADVANCED COURSE 4 – Online services

M1 Know the digital identity
The implications of using SPID and CIE as authentication modes
The SPID system and the various levels of authentication
Applications offered by SPID for signing documents
The value and possibilities of using SPID and the CIE within the European Union

M2 Provide online services
The concept of "mobile first" and "digital first"
The "once only" principle and its consequences in the provision of online services
The online service and the levels of supply: from the basic level to the most advanced level
The violation of the obligation to provide the service in digital mode and the legal consequences

INTERMEDIATE COURSE 5 – Digital Transformation

M1 Know the goals of digital transformation
Digital governance: actors in charge and their respective roles
The objectives of the Italian digital strategy and the influences on the administration's activities
The Digital Transition Manager in relations with the other offices of an administration and with the subjects in charge of digital governance
The strategic model of evolution of the information system of the PA

M2 Know the emerging technologies for digital transformation
The main areas of application of Cloud computing – part 1
The main areas of application of Cloud computing – part 2
The main areas of application of Big data and Data analytics
The main fields of application of Artificial Intelligence
The main areas of application of the IoT – Internet of things
The characteristics and main areas of application of the Blockchain – part 1
The characteristics and main areas of application of the Blockchain – part 2
The characteristics and main areas of application of the Blockchain – part 3


Content edited by: Consilia CFO