DIGITAL SKILLS - Intermediate path (13 hours)



Typology: Online Course
Duration: 13 hours in total
Languages: Italian 



A training program consisting of 5 online courses, to acquire  intermediate digital skills, which make the user completely autonomous in solving the most frequent problems that arise when using digital technologies and in using digital technologies to solve problems.
Course particularly suitable for delivery within Public administrations.



INTERMEDIATE COURSE 1 - Data, information and IT documents

M1 Managing data, information and digital content
The reliability of information and data on the Internet
The main public databases and their use
Organize information, data and digital content for efficient and functional archiving and management

M2 Produce, evaluate and manage IT documents
The electronic document and the different accepted formats
Electronic signatures: types and different legal and probative value of the electronic document to which they are associated
Document management systems and their main functions
The time value of the electronic document, time stamps and other time references that can be opposed against third parties
Time validation of an IT document
Fundamentals of digital preservation
The different formats for the accessibility of documents published online
The meaning and legal value of the electronic seal

M3 Know Open Data
The utility of Open Data for companies, citizens and civil society
The main characteristics of Open Data
The principle of Open Data by default and its limits
The main actions for the publication of open data


INTERMEDIATE COURSE 2 – Communication and sharing

M1 Communicate and share within the administration
The types of advanced communication tools and their main characteristics
The main features of advanced tools for sharing information and documents online

M2 Communicate and share with citizens, businesses and other PAs
Communication tools between administrations and their use
Citizen Relationship Management: main features of an advanced citizen relationship management system
The implications of the digital domicile as the only address for communications from the administration to the citizen
The advanced tools of communication and participation in favor of citizens, businesses and other stakeholders of a PA
The different styles of communication and linguistic registers in correlation to the recipients and tools used to ensure simple and clear communication with citizens
The integrated use of the certified e-mail with the IT protocol and the document management system for the
communication with citizens, businesses and other administrations
Recourse to the official acquisition of information already in possession of the proceeding administration or held by other administrations



M1 Protect devices
Cyber ​​attacks and the main risks for the device
The minimum ICT security measures for the PA
The main types of cyber attacks: Viruses, Trojans, Denial of Service (DoS), Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

M2 Protect personal data and privacy
Protect personal data in digital environments
The difference between the different types of personal data
The general principles of the European Regulation on the protection of personal data


INTERMEDIATE COURSE 4 – Online services

M1 Know the digital identity
The main features of SPID
Method of obtaining the digital identity of SPID through CIE, CNS and digital signature

M2 Provide online services
The AgID guidelines and the characteristics necessary for the provision of an online service
Mandatory measurement of the degree of satisfaction of the recipients of the activities and services also through interactive methods
The main features of PagoPA


INTERMEDIATE COURSE 5 – Digital Transformation

M1 Know the goals of digital transformation
The general planning lines of the Italian digital strategy
The key skills required of executives, IT specialists and employees of an administration to facilitate the transition to digital
The duties of the Digital Transition Manager

M2 Know the emerging technologies for digital transformation
The main features of Cloud computing
The main characteristics of Big data and Data analytics
The main features of artificial intelligence
The main features of the IoT – Internet of Things


Produced by: Piazza Copernico

Content edited by: Consilia CFO