Communication and sharing - BASIC COURSE




Typology: Online Course
Duration: 90 minutes
Languages: Italian 



The course wants to acquire the basic digital skills relative to communication and sharing between citizens, businesses and administrations.
Course particularly suitable for delivery within Public administrations.


M1 Communicate and share within the administration
E-mail as the main communication tool within the administration
Intranet: main features of the internal communication and sharing tool
The elementary tools for sharing documents and the relative benefits of shared use

M2 Communicate and share with citizens, businesses and other PAs
PEC: certified e-mail and its characteristics
The main communication tools between Public Administrations
The PEC as a communication tool with citizens and businesses
The obligation to acquire information from other administrations ex officio
Rules and procedures for submitting applications and declarations to the PA electronically
The digital home
Elementary tools for massive communication and dissemination of information to citizens and businesses


Produced by: Piazza Copernico

Content edited by: Consilia CFO