Communication and sharing - INTERMEDIATE DIGITAL SKILLS


Typology: Online Course
Duration: 160 minutes
Languages: Italian 



The course wants to acquire the intermediate level digital skills relative to communication and sharing.
Course particularly suitable for delivery within Public administrations.


M1 Communicate and share within the administration
The types of advanced communication tools and their main characteristics
The main features of advanced tools for sharing information and documents online
M2 Communicate and share with citizens, businesses and other PAs
Communication tools between administrations and their use
Citizen Relationship Management: main features of an advanced citizen relationship management system
The implications of the digital domicile as the only address for communications from the administration to the citizen
The advanced tools of communication and participation in favor of citizens, businesses and other stakeholders of a PA
The different styles of communication and linguistic registers in correlation to the recipients and tools used to ensure simple and clear communication with citizens
The integrated use of the PEC with the IT protocol and the document management system for communication with citizens, businesses and other administrations
Recourse to the official acquisition of information already in possession of the proceeding administration or held by other administrations


Produced by: Piazza Copernico

Content edited by: Consilia CFO