The obligation to use traditional courses - especially regarding the typical topics of training on job security - it is a thorny issue that would finally need a univocal solution.

If for a large company, with many employees involved and high risk productions, the obligation to supply the classroom training it is in most cases a necessity that has a logical sense, there are a thousand other cases in which this legislative choice results in a senseless and penalizing imposition.

Just to give a few examples of particularly problematic cases:

  • - in a healthcare company with complex shift organization in the departments and the need for continuous supervision in all hospital sectors, moving all managers to a classroom at the same time is a destabilizing and dangerous obligation for the functioning of the facility;


  • - within a small company that essentially carries out office activities, it is very expensive to organize a classroom day for a few people, since the cost of the course is normally calculated per classroom day;


  • - a group spread over many locations in the area will be forced to organize classrooms in all locations or to manage complex and expensive travel logistics.

It is therefore obvious that forcing the managers and employees of the prevention and protection services (RSPP) to attend almost all compulsory courses in the various areas of safety only in the classroom, in many cases necessarily leads to a very negative attitude towards a topic as the job security, which instead deserves more attention and involvement.

Although the State-Regions Agreement of July 2016 has sanctioned and fixed at least the requirements and specifications for carrying out the e-learning health and safety training, actually i online courses that can actually be provided are still very few, and concern only the most general and regulatory parts and their updates, while for specific training the way to go is still very long, and the use of e-learning mode is allowed in very few cases, even for companies included in the low risk.

In some regions, in this case in Lombardy, there seems to be a slightly more open attitude towards experimentation and therefore to the use of e-learning, but at national level the classroom training it is still the only possible option.

It is time for all the companies that gravitate within the world of e-learning to mobilize, to clamoring for more modern legislation and above all more attentive to the needs of Italian public and private companies.

Here are the e-learning courses that fulfill legal obligations:

Completely in e-learning:

E-learning and classroom:

Safety at Work: RSPP Update - Employer (Low Risk)

Work safety - Supervisor

Silvia Pochettino
Management and Organization Consultant
Linkedin Profile