We point out the possibility of contribute to the 16th conference international eLml 2024, on "Mobile, Hybrid, and Online Learning”, which will be held from 26 to 30 May 2024 in Barcelona
La our Innovation Manager Daniela Pellegrinic even this year will support the• innovative business organization based on the use of technologies and digitalization of internal and external processes, as well as the active and continued promotion of the services we offer through business development, marketing and communication systems (letter "I" of our logo actually stands for "Innovation"); of conference, gestureendo a special tracks dedicated to innovative solutions to meet emerging needs in learning:
ELSI: Emerging Learning Solutions and Innovation
Once again Piazza Copernico will present various contributions to the track in this edition, and invites all colleagues from the world of education to try their hand by proposing their own experiences. You can propose papers, posters, presentations, demos.
The deadline is April 10 2024.