Determine G09768
PIAZZA COPERNICO, as a training institution accredited to Lazio region for continuous training, organizes and carries out compulsory courses of apprenticeship training.
Offers for free its services in the management of the entire training and documentary process to SMEs that have their registered office or operating offices in the Lazio region, as well as to labor consultants and accountants who work in the Region on behalf of their client companies.
Il professionalizing apprenticeship contract it is a permanent employment contract aimed at the training and employment of young people.
The training is divided into:
- basic and transversal training, governed by the Regions, which can reach a maximum of 120 hours in the three-year period and which, within the limits of available resources, can be financed by the Regions;
- vocational or professional training, provided for the acquisition of technical-professional and specialist skills, governed by the individual CCNL and borne by the companies.
The basic and transversal training courses are completely free for employers of small and medium-sized businesses because financed at 100% from the Lazio Region.
for Big business there is no public contribution. PIAZZA COPERNICO however, it set the limit of the individual quota per apprentice at Euro 480,00.
The professionalizing Apprenticeship contract is governed by the Legislative Decree 167/2011.
Currently the Lazio Region funds apprenticeship training basic and transverse Outdoor for apprentices hired by companies that meet the parameters of Micro, Small and Medium Business (SMEs) defined at European level.
All funded training can be accessed SMEs that have their registered office in Lazio or operational offices within the regional territory.
The regional contribution covers the entire cost of the apprentice's external training, which therefore results completely free for the company.
Apprenticeship courses can be delivered exclusively by accredited training bodies and authorized by the Lazio Region at the regional offices of the Bodies, based on their training offer.
Based on the Regional Decree 41/2012, Lazio region has provided for a basic and transversal training course articulated in 40-hour modules for each year duration of the contract, for a total of 120 hours in the three-year period.
This number of hours can be reduced according to the qualification available to the apprentice, up to:
- 80 total hours (i.e. 2 modules of 40 hours) if the apprentice has a professional qualification or diploma, or a secondary school diploma;
- 40 total hours (i.e. 1 module of 40 hours) if the apprentice has a degree or higher qualification.
Determination G05437 of 07/05/2020.
PIAZZA COPERNICO as a training institution accredited by the Lazio Region and in possession of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 quality certification, it organizes and delivers the basic and transversal training, governed by the Lazio Region according to a "Catalog of the training offer”Made available for apprentices and companies.
It also provides assistance to companies and consultancy firms in identifying courses and the process of enrolling apprentices.
Free support in carrying out all the procedures necessary for access to its courses funded by the Lazio Region.
It is able to provide apprenticeship training at its headquarters or in FAD, or sending its teachers / experts to the company headquarters.
To request information on how to participate in apprenticeship courses via Piazza Copernico, contact Dr. Cherubini – scherubini@pcopernico.it - 06 835 212 31
Basic and transversal skills - XNUMXst year | In presence and FAD | Sheet |
Safety and Prevention (*) | In presence and FAD | Sheet |
The departure of the courses will be confirmed by email upon reaching the minimum number of subscribers.
For more in-depth information on the subjects of the courses dedicated to the specialist skills, request the detailed information sheets from Dr. Cherubini – scherubini@pcopernico.it.
(*) Workers who carry out Safety and Prevention training will be issued a certificate of Low risk firefighter.

The 40-hour courses are structured in modules consisting of meetings of 4 or 8 hours if held in the classroom, if in FAD the meetings will have a daily duration of 4 hours.
The courses will start upon reaching 10 members.
Registration for courses is possible within 5 days from the START-UP date.
The training is considered to have taken place if the apprentice has attended at least the80% of the 40 hours, between 60% and 80% the apprentice will have to make up for the missing hours, below 60% will have to redo the entire module.
Upon completion of the training, apprentices will be given theCertificate of attendance.
Furthermore, the apprentices will also receive free of charge the certifications provided for the courses in the field of Health and Safety:certificate of General and Specific Training - low risk - (valid for the compulsory training in Health and Safety for the XNUMXst year) and of Low risk firefighter (for apprentices who carry out Safety and Prevention training).
In the classroom
At Piazza Copernicus srl, in the accredited operational headquarters:
Rome - Via Francesco Gentile, 135 - Zip code 00173
At the company headquarters, to allow the planning of teaching sessions in line with the specific business needs of the company.
By connecting to our platform Labe-l Academy and access to the integrated Adobe Connect virtual classroom, a system that guarantees the presence tracking requirements of teachers and learners.