How many times someone told you something about Gamification, Scoring, Badges, Games?

Gamification seems a relatively recent term, but in training the use of educational games was introduced as early as the XNUMX's. For some time each trainer has been aware of how active experience through play can be a catalytic experience in order to subsequently introduce reflection.

For this reason Gamification over the years has emerged overwhelmingly as a real opportunity in the Management training, as an effective solution for the "engagement" of the participants.

But how many real gaming experiences have you actually experienced?

In the classroom, that is, a physical space distant from the real work space, we can use experiential methods, and the learning process is achieved through action and experimentation of situations, tasks, roles in which the protagonist uses his / her skills.

Metaphorical games are used to study the dynamics inherent in soft skills. The physical and above all emotional distance from the workplace allows a process of "objectification", which allows you to reflect on your skills in a detached way from all the implications related to your job, your professional identity, your job satisfaction.

In e-learning, when dealing with Gamification, it is necessary to slightly modify the perspective:

  • the time of reflection is reduced,
  • we introduce a simulation that is easily transferable to the real context,
  • the great emotional closeness of the training context to the workplace is exploited as a lever for activation,
  • the participant is involved in an experience of immediate "consumption", highly motivating
  • the elaboration of reflections can be easily transferred in full autonomy to the working world.

Gamification is not just an engagement method.
It is above all a training methodology with a complex design system.

If the didactic simulation a few years ago provided for structured answers in a tree-like decision-making path, in which the participant played substantially alone, the tools available today allow to create increasingly complex experiences, semi-structured and with a gallery of characters and possibilities of alternative actions greatly increased.

Therefore an approach of Online gamification is currently a tool that is perfectly suited to the needs of Management training about the transversal skills.

But simple technological development is not enough; to obtain excellent results, Gamification must necessarily be guided on a didactic level through a clear and serious training project.

Gamification requires a high profile project teaching system, that Piazza Copernico always assures its customers in the development of their gamified courses.