Le Digital Training Gyms I am a model of Gamification developed by PIAZZA COPERNICO also by virtue of a partnership agreement signed with Artemat.
Piazza Copernico, through this partnership, has invested in the design of an innovative teaching methodology aimed at activating digital learning processes experience-driven, to be used as part of your online and classroom training projects.
This educational model of Gamification involves the use of one Digital Training Gym (PFD), which through the metaphor of sports training allows to put skills into play in a simulated environment.
La Digital Training Gym (PFD) it is in fact a complex Business Case within a realistic scenario, which responds to the need to place the organizational figures in work situations or realistic environments in order to trigger - and analyze - certain behaviors.
Depending on your needs, each PFDs it can be oriented on a grid of skills linked to the development objectives of a specific role, such as: leadership, resource management, result orientation, etc.
The didactic model
Piazza Copernico developed the Digital Training Gym (PFD) to manage interactive didactic experiences destined to the formation of complete professional profiles (hard and / or soft skills), based on a very advanced simulation tool.
The purpose of this format is to:
- offer an engaging and rich experience online;
- create a simulation context of the role;
- explore a decision-making path with realistic alternatives by evaluating different intervention strategies;
- identify and prevent negative effects of errors, distortions, potential problems.
"Players" must:
- play a role,
- achieve a goal (mission),
- interact with simulated interlocutors (co-protagonists, antagonists, reference models),
- perform work tasks (tasks),
- self-evaluate their skills in complex situations.
Through qualified participation with your name (to encourage thecommitment), awareness of multiple game paths (mechanics), as well as the challenge connected to the objective, an overall experience is created in which the subject participates simultaneously - and possibly in competition - with other protagonists within a real business challenge.
The proposed experience thus leads the individual to take action in a realistic and complex micro-world, in which the protagonist must:
To make decisions
Organize the work
Manage time and information
Solve problems
Interact with collaborators
In this simulated micro-world, the protagonist can experiment with different intervention models, and verify the results of his choices, as well as re-read them with the support of a coach, and compare them with colleagues.
The gamified formation thus acquires a meaning of self evaluation and reflection on personal skills to be developed and brought into one's professional context.
What they say about the Digital Training Gym
With Piazza Copernico, Inail has created a training offer for its management in line with institutional objectives. The innovative proposal, based on gamification, involved management allowing each of the participants to train and enhance a wide range of transversal skills, through an individual development program and with personalized feedback.
Very stimulating, fun and at the same time demanding.
As I went on I was more and more "taken" by the gym, I completely concentrated on the task to be performed.
Very positive, it is not the usual formation. I immediately fell into the part, the feedback reflects me perfectly.
In addition to being fun, even if tiring, I found myself in the final result. It's really me!
Very concrete, it completely reflects the situation we live daily. The results (feedback) are very interesting, both the immediate one and the one I received later via email.
I really liked the method and liked the feedback. I knew what I needed to improve and I confirmed it.
Definitely innovative, one of the things that struck me is how much it "pulls you" into a working day. It takes you so much that at some point I had to isolate myself from the rest of the things to do.
It is demanding and fun.
Interesting and well-made tool, it replicates the situations we live in in a very realistic way. It makes you come up with the concepts that are needed to carry out our business in the best way. Much more stimulating than online training in which you have to follow a voice and slides that gradually slide on the screen. It involves you to the point that you can't do anything but engage in the gym. It's really a workout, and time goes by quickly.
The Virtual Training Gyms were also the subject of the intervention of our Research and Development Manager Daniela Pellegrini during the First eLearningPoint 2019 online conference of 30-31 October 2019.
Il Virtual Training Gym project "Training managerial talent" issued for INAIL and presented at IV edition of the AIf Adriano Olivetti award was 1st classified in 3 areas: Research & Innovation Area, Methodological Section New Technology and Digital, Small and medium-sized enterprises.