Until recently, work and related training activities were an identifiable part of our life. and can be well placed in a specific space and time.

Today we are now immersed in an integrated flow that we could define WORKLIFE, the working methods are rapidly changing, the times of life and work are mixed, the places must be adapted to both uses, a continuous readjustment of rhythms and habits becomes necessary.

We do not want to talk about the problems created by this fluid situation, which are not negligible both on a personal and a social level.

Being us natives of Digital Learning, we want to talk only about the opportunities that this situation offers to our profession, which are many.

Just to name a small part:

  • the growing digitization of people
  • the enhancement of soft and transversal skills
  • the increase of interactivity
  • the development of adaptability
  • the enrichment of contents deriving from the exchange of knowledge
  • the need to respect Worklife times with flexible training courses
  • the greater ease of introducing innovative and playful didactic elements
  • the use of technology for the definition of highly engaging training courses

The list could be even richer, but it is enough to make it clear how the world of education is evolving in the present and how it can become in the very near future.

The password must be "there is no going back”, And today's commitment is to design the formation we want for tomorrow.


Our idea of ​​Digital Learning, today and even more tomorrow: