A short essay by Bianca Straniero Sergio and Guido Stratta has just been published by Franco Angeli, RE-Evolution, The Power of Gentle Leadership.

The essay is an intelligent reflection on the period we have just passed, and on the possibility that we are offered to transform a dark phase into an opportunity.

A unique opportunity not to go back to the time of the blind hierarchy, and instead take the opportunity to rethink life, work, organizations, relationships between people and generations.

The essay is a praise of the kindness, no longer considered a sign of weakness but rather of strength.

And it suggests the possibility of a new mode of leadership centered on humanity, but precisely for this reason more effective and at the same time respectful of the environment.

A new form of “liquid work”, free, without precise roles, inclusive and in constant evolution.

We like to hope that this positive thinking will soon become reality.

We do not want to spoil, but we cannot help but mention two phrases in which we have reflected ourselves, which are part of our daily effort in trying to offer a Digital Learning that is always new and attentive to the needs of people:

Happy reading.