In the IV EDITION of the AIF Award Adriano Olivetti the e-learning company of Rome PIAZZA COPERNICO wins three first places

Il AIF Adriano Olivetti Award , now in its fourth edition, it aims to spread good practices regarding innovative learning and enhancement paths for people and the development of reference organizations.

To this end, companies, public administrations, training companies, professionals are identified and reported that have conceived and implemented training projects and enhancement of human capital, and that have distinguished themselves for the learning and developmental results obtained at individual and team level and organization.

To our e-learning project "Train managerial talent"Developed for the customer  INAIL , which started in June 2017 and ended in October 2018, three prizes were awarded in three different areas:

I classified in the Research & Innovation Area


I Classified for Small and Medium Enterprises


I Classified in the New Technology and Digital Section

Our winning e-learning solution

The training proposal addressed to Executives was born from the definition of an innovative project requested by theINAIL to involve central and territorial management in an experience that - through the gamification framework - could support executive staff in further maturing their management skills.

Steps implemented to identify skills:

- needs analysis: semi-structured questionnaire;
- 3 focus groups and interview with the General Manager.

The thematic areas covered by the training were identified from the set of data collected:

A story has been designed for each thematic area "Gym" declined in successive game levels (analog situation games) of increasing complexity.
The "Virtual Gym" welcomed the organizational micro-world seen from the participant's desk.

Through different tools the manager had to; make decisions, organize work, manage time, solve problems and interact with collaborators.

The nature of this experience was designed in a semi-structured way, some decisions were governed by assets and at the same time gave space to personal intervention.

Upon completion of each level of the game, the participant received quantitative feedback from the system, through the visualization of a radar, and qualitative feedback from the trainer.

The methodology used, completely experiential, it required a large design investment both in the definition of the game mechanics, both in the evaluation system and in the reward system.

In addition, to reduce the potential critical issues related to a highly innovative training product, a traditional classroom was provided where it was possible to play a training gym, allowing participants to meta-reflection on the meaning of this methodology.

Award ceremony

The awards ceremony will be held on 22 March 2019 from 15.00 pm to 17.00 pm at the Testori Auditorium in Piazza Città di Lombardia 1 - Milan.

A round table with some speeches will also be set up for the event.

The title of the meeting will be "HR TRENDS: WELLBEING AND THE FUTURE OF WORK"

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