Beyond our Limiting Beliefs



Delivery method: Virtual Classroom
Duration: 1 meeting of 4 hours
N ° Participants: max 20/25




Discovering our emotional blocks to recognize and overcome them. Our beliefs can have ancestral origins, which we carry with us and emerge when we have to act in the face of certain situations. Recognizing them and taking care of them helps us to go further and transform them so that they are not walls that limit our actions and our feelings. We will experiment together with various methods to make them emerge and transform us in order to live free and light.


  • What are they, synonyms Limiting beliefs
  • How to recognize them
  • Scientific studies to understand and increase our awareness

How to:

  • Identify factors that have built our beliefs
  • Conscious identification of our limiting beliefs
  • Practical exercise of how to transform them into empowering beliefs



The training activity will be delivered by applying a learning methodology based on active experimentation and conceptualisations. Through practical exercises, group reflections, debriefing with in-depth videos.