Piazza Copernico has signed a partnership agreement with ProfessionAI, a Bari company specialized in digital training on the topics of data science, machine learning algorithm e artificial intelligence.
The Web Academy aims its training offer primarily at professionals and managers, but also offers recruitment and consultancy services in corporate projects.
ProfessionAI specializes in the training in data-related disciplines: Data Science, Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, with the primary objective of training Data Science talents through an interdisciplinary team made up of industry experts, computer scientists, statisticians and training professionals.
By virtue of this agreement, Piazza Copernico enriches its course catalog with a series of new titles, both synchronous and asynchronous.
But the collaboration will not only concern the catalogue, because through the partnership the common intention is to explore a series of new projects together:
- Design and development of new training activities,
- Development of entirely digital catalog courses and materials,
- Development of ad hoc courses upon customer request on topics of artificial intelligence,
- Ad hoc sector training courses,
- Joint participations in events and/or competitions and/or competitions.