La production of Video content it's been a long time an integrated tool in many online courses, but it is now acquiring, in many cases, the role of main tool for the delivery of educational content.
The dissemination of the Videos is motivated above all by the need to involve the participant more and more, to activate their attention and interest, but also by the possibility of simplifying the description of cases and situations. The videos are quick, concise, engaging, clear and above all they capture attention. In communication, whether it is used to tell a story that we consider important, an idea, a product that we want to sell, or simply a set of complex information that we want to transmit and memorize, stimulate the attention of our interlocutor, even if virtual it is an essential and precious resource.
At the same time, the enhancement of companies' technological infrastructures, cloud computing and video streaming have allowed to overcome the greatest obstacle to the diffusion of Videos, the commitment of bandwidth and hardware resources, which until a recent past made their use difficult.
And the easy usability of the Video resource from all mobile devices further pushed towards its exponential spread.
Videos today are used in different ways within e-learning training projects, but also as an agile tool of internal communication, for communication to commercial networks, for Social or advertising .
Regardless of the use that you want to make of it, there are various types of videos that can be implemented, both within complex e-learning projects, and stand alone.
Video Presentation
The recording studio
For all types of videos, a project start-up phase is required. This Startup phase includes a first briefing meeting, and the subsequent drafting of a project document with the relative indications regarding the format, the graphic style of the images, the communicative style, the ideation of the concept and the promotional message, the design of the sketches and the definition of the characters.
For all types of Video, it is possible to insert:
- la subtitling (multilingual) with adjustable characters,
- the video with the translation in sign language Italian (LIS).

Piazza Copernico sponsored the Accessibility Days 2023, the largest Italian event onWEB accessibility andInclusiveness of the digital technologies which was held on 18 and 19 May 2023 in Rome.
Types of videos
Sketches with the teacher or actors who play the part of the teacher and give substance to the training contents, showing stories and application cases. It favors the identification of the viewer, attracting attention and facilitating the understanding of the contents.
It can be shot in a real context or with a graphic reconstruction of the environment.
The video is at the desk, or in any case with static shooting.
It is a type of video recommended for dealing with short-term content, very suitable also for being included in paths blended, for the deepening of notions or for the return of feedback.
Sketches with actors who give substance to the training contents, showing stories and application cases. They favor the identification of the viewer, attracting attention and facilitating the understanding of the contents. Interactive choices of behavior to have in certain contexts are proposed, and depending on the answer given, the next video is loaded, with then the relative feedback with explanation (correct or wrong answer).
Tone of voice agreed with the customer.
They can have different levels of processing:
- External Fiction: videos shot in external locations chosen on the basis of the scripts, or shot inside our studio using chroma key;
- Internal Fiction: videos shot inside our offices with or without the use of chroma key.
It comes from a crasis of mocks, “do the verse”, e documentary: it is a pseudo-documentary, which presents itself as a documentary, i.e. in cut and style as if it were taking up aspects of reality, but it is actually a fictional product.
It is very effective in training because it recreates a real and immersive context within which the messages conveyed are able to emotionally involve the spectator/learner.
Sketches with actors (also in graphics) who give substance to the training contents, showing stories and application cases. This type of video favors the identification of the viewer, attracting attention and facilitating the understanding of the contents.
Pocket Video can be packaged with different levels of graphic processing:
- Sketch with actors, with minimal graphic input (video writing only)
- Sketch with actors, with advanced graphics and compositing effects and techniques
- Mix Up, a set of multiple video techniques mixed together, and advanced effects and compositing techniques. For example actors on graphic scenarios, or graphic characters on real scenarios.
Video sketches, usually with an ironic and amusing style, to represent plausible situations in which the subjects move in a familiar context, helping the viewer to step into the shoes of the protagonists and to internalize the training message easily.
Then follows a training pill (or infographic) to point out the correct behaviors and discourage the inappropriate ones.
Cartoon videos are animated, 2D-style videos and are used to illustrate concepts and information in an online course. The cartoon characters and settings included in these videos can be customized to best represent what you want to communicate. With cartoon videos it is possible to create funny sketches and engaging web-series. They can serve a variety of purposes, including introducing a new topic, explaining a process or procedure, providing concrete examples, or adding a touch of humor or personality to the course.