Artificial intelligence is now part of our daily life, even if we often don't realize it. In fact, we are surrounded by this technology: from automatic parking systems, to intelligent sensors for taking spectacular photos, to personal assistants.

But AI is also gaining ground in world of education and training thanks to the countless applications available. Fatally, the way people learn has changed since the teaching materials became accessible to everyone through smart devices and computers.

Today learners no longer need to attend physical lessons to study, as long as they have computers and an Internet connection.

Artificial intelligence also allows automation of administrative activities, allowing you to minimize the time required to complete these often demanding tasks, so that educators can spend more time with their students.

In fact, AI not only influences actual learning, but also makes the evaluation and management of lessons much easier, thus reducing the time and costs of merely administrative procedures.


AI and smart content

Artificial intelligence and education evolve together, and new technologies could really make it easier for learners to achieve their learning goals.

Those who are called smart content, or the production of automated digital content similar to that written by individuals, could help not only companies to automate their services but also teachers to produce school and training materials.

I smart content in fact, they also include the virtual contents collected in video conferences and video lessons. In addition, textbooks are digitized, and new learning interfaces are created to help students of all grades and academic ages.

Another example are i personalized content. Digital content can be customized according to the user who uses it. Very often we start talking about personalized education, trying to adapt the training path to the person. Obviously it is difficult to adapt a course of study to all single individuals, but it is already possible to study a course of study that will suit most students enrolled in a course.

With the introduction of AI, teachers are obviously not replaced, but they are able to teach better by offering personalized recommendations to each learner. AI allows you to customize exercises and final exams, while ensuring the best possible assistance.

In fact, we must not forget that immediate feedback is one of the keys to effective tutoring. Through AI-based apps, students could get targeted and personalized answers from their teachers.


AI and global connections

The Internet has long allowed us to connect with people around the world, and to access information from international sites and institutions. Technology facilitates the dissemination of any course to any part of the world and at any time. AI helps support this learning without borders. AI-based education can equip students with personalized skills, and create adaptive learning techniques to enhance everyone's learning experiences.

Unfortunately, however, not all students in the world already have an adequate connection or the right tools to support training based on new technologies. Very often the connections are not there, or they are not stable, or they are not secure, because there are still too few those who can have a solid VPN,

It is necessary to guarantee the possibility for all those who want to learn or complete their online training to access these innovative tools.

AI will certainly bring many benefits to the world of education - some of which we can already experience - but before that even the way to make the network and technologies accessible to everyone must be found.