In recent times there has been a lot of talk about inclusion, not always in an effective way, but the clarity with which the topic is treated in the beautiful, autobiographical and extremely objective book by Daniele Regolo, with whom we have already had the fortune of collaborating on the topic of training accessibility.
We don't want to give any spoilers about the book,”The formula of uniqueness. A new path towards inclusion” published by Mondadori, we limit ourselves to recommending its reading, because only by reading it can we appreciate his ability to analyze practical situations with uncommon clarity.
We report just a few songs that we particularly liked.

Let's return to the question: why should a company be inclusive? Answer: to guarantee the best. If I don't discriminate, if I am able to avoid the quicksand of prejudice that attracts me to what reassures me and distances me from what I don't understand and what I fear, I know that the person chosen will be the best one for the job. And, by guaranteeing the best in principle, and knowing how to maintain it (therefore not only in the moment of recruiting, but also in that of retention and return to work), the company has no certainty of invoicing more but can be said to be absolutely certain of the having created the best conditions for building your own business.
Ready to throw down another myth? It is a priori that we demonstrate the convenience and usefulness of diversity, not a posteriori. Quite the opposite of what is happening today.
Here lies one of the biggest misconceptions: believing that being different implies being inclusive.
Macroscopic error. If there is inclusion, if all the attention relating to the removal of barriers that everyone may encounter in their life and professional journey is active, the resulting image can be very different from... diversity. At least as we understand it today
Our being is strengthened, without a shadow of a doubt first of all. To be, in other words, equally equal.
Speech by Regolo during the Piazza Copernico event in MDW 2023
Milan Digital Week 2023 (youtube.com)
Interview with Regolo, juror of the “Accessible Learning” Award 2023/2024
DANIELE REGOLO | ACCESSIBLE LEARNING Award | Interview with the Jurors (youtube.com)