L’allenamento della lingua inglese su tematiche Business caratterizzato dall’elevata flessibilità di fruizione e la capacità di soddisfare le più specifiche esigenze di apprendimento della lingua.


Il corso Business English si rivolge ad utenti che hanno già delle conoscenze di base sulla lingua inglese e desiderano approfondire il suo uso in temi di interesse generale legati al mondo  del lavoro.


20 ore. La durata indicata è da ritenersi indicativa rispetto ad una valutazione media di fruizione dei suddetti corsi.


Il corso Business English è costituito da 30 units, ognuna sviluppata su uno  specifico argomento del mondo Business.

Unit 1 Pleased to meet you Meeting a new client  – formal introductions
Unit 2 Routine tasks Daily work routines
Unit 3 We need to spice up the day! Coffee break at work
Unit 4 A pay rise Motivation and job satisfaction
Unit 5 I can find another job Looking for a job
Unit 6 I’m calling to arrange a meeting Making an appointment
Unit 7 The shipment is in transit Checking on an order
Unit 8 Do you like your job? Speaking about your job
Unit 9 Warm and happy Handling complaints
Unit 10 I’d like to welcome you all Opening a meeting
Unit 11 Who’s speaking, please? Answering the phone
Unit 12 Doctor Fraser is not available Making and taking calls
Unit 13 Hot deals Helpline -online shopping
Unit 14 Socializing Keeping a conversation going
Unit 15 I will give him the message Telephone: leaving and taking messages
Unit 16 I agree Negotiations
Unit 17 Hang on a second Asking the caller to wait, asking for repetition and clarifying
Unit 18 Thanks for calling Ending the call
Unit 19 A very demanding job Human resources
Unit 20 What time are they arriving? Confirming arrangements
Unit 21 This is my treat After-work socializing
Unit 22 A briefing Discussing a project
Unit 23 We need the goods urgently Placing an order
Unit 24 Bad news Writing: an internal message
Unit 25 I’m a very energetic person Job interview and CV
Unit 26 Good career prospects Understanding job advertisements
Unit 27 Competition is fierce Application letters
Unit 28 Already online A conference call
Unit 29 Competition is fierce Application letters
Unit 30 Already online A conference call


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Scala Group S.p.A.

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Scala Group S.p.A.

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