Piazza Copernico, already registered in the Section A lists of structures and professionals suitable to work with Shape.Temp (identification code 223881), is now also registered in the Section C of the List concerning the Distance education (identification code 240055).

Piazza Copernico is therefore ready to operate with Shape.Temp as part of the activities financed by the Fund:

  • both through its own training structure,
  • both through the LMS platform is preferably used for Distance education.

Thanks to Fund Form.Temp, which operates in the training and income support of temporary workers and on the initiative of the Employment Agencies, we can now deliver funded training also in e-learning to workers who need to qualify or retrain professionally.

The activities of forma.temp

Shape.Temp was established in 2000 in application of Law no. 196/1997, which introduced the supply of temporary job. Forma.Temp activities are carried out under the supervision of the National Agency for Active Labor Policies (ANPAL) and are financed with a contribution equal to 4% of the gross wages paid to temporary workers, at the expense of Employment Agencies.

Forma.Temp, is a fund for the bilateral management of training and income support, whose activities are intended:

  • to fixed-term workers
  • to permanent workers
  • to apprentices


Provides funding for training for:

  • the acquisition of new knowledge and skills,
  • updating,
  • professional qualification and retraining